What is Interlibrary Loan?

The purpose of the interlibrary loan service (ILL) is to obtain materials that are neither available at Walla Walla University Library nor through Summit Borrowing, yet are needed for either course work or faculty research at Walla Walla University.


Who May Use Interlibrary Loan?

  • Undergraduate Students*
  • Graduate Students*
  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Community Card Patrons (Please see the Interlibrary Loan Specialist for further information)

*Undergraduate and graduate students are limited to five requests per week.



Our goal is to borrow anything that is needed for research purposes, however, there are limitations to what our department can do.

Most libraries will not lend/supply the following materials:

  • A/V (CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes)
  • Reference or Reserve
  • Rare or fragile
  • Genealogical
  • New books (published within the current or past year)
  • Dissertations
  • Entire periodical issues or volumes
  • Articles from electronic journals
  • eBooks or chapters from eBooks
  • Textbooks

In some instances, items may be purchased through a document delivery service. Many dissertations, for example, are available from ProQuest Dissertation Express for $30 - $41.

We will not borrow the following materials:

  • Popular media, such as feature films, television programs, and video games
  • Textbooks and required reading


Delivery Time

Arrival times vary, so be certain to allow plenty of time. Most materials arrive within 10-14 days from their order date, but articles can arrive much sooner. If you need materials more quickly than two weeks, please contact a librarian for assistance in finding local materials to fit your needs.


 Notice of Arrival

When the ILL material arrives, notice will be sent via email. To aid in timely communication, please provide our department with a regularly used email address. Note that all of our email is sent from ill@yilunjianshe.com

Materials should be picked up at the Circulation Desk as promptly as possible, as returnable items (those with a due date) are checked out to your library account as soon as we process them in our department. Books and other returnable items have due dates listed on an attached blue book strap. Photocopies are yours to keep and, whenever possible, we will send them to you electronically.

If you wish to inquire about the status of your request, please feel free to email us at ill@yilunjianshe.com, call us at 509.527.2673, or talk live with the Interlibrary Loan Specialist during our office hours.




Interlibrary Loan is a service that our library aims to provide at no charge to you. To do this we try to order from libraries that do not charge an extra fee to share their materials. If we are unable to find such a supplier, we will contact you so that you may decide whether or not you would like to pay to obtain the material.

You will be responsible for any fees associated with damaged, lost/presumed lost, or overdue items.


Branch Campuses

Items from another Walla Walla University campus may be requested and sent to your local campus. Please use the Borrowing Request Form.


Summit (Orbis Cascade Alliance Union Catalog)

Summit is a library catalog that merges the holdings of over 30 Pacific Northwest academic libraries into one collective database. As Walla Walla University is a member of the Orbis Cascade Alliance, we strongly encourage our College Place and Portland patrons to use the system. Therefore, for these patrons the Interlibrary Loan Department will not process items that may be ordered through Summit, with the exception of community patron requests.



Returning and Renewing

Books, microforms, and videos must be returned to the Library Information Desk by the due date listed on the attached book strap. If a renewal is needed, contact the Interlibrary Loan Desk (x2673) at least three days before the book is due. Notice of the renewed date will be given via email and this information should be immediately attached to the material. We will automatically update your library record with the new due date.
Note: Not all libraries will allow renewal on material sent for ILL purposes.

Failure to return ILL material on time creates poor relations with other libraries and may eliminate a library as a source of materials. Therefore, be aware that our library charges $1.00 a day for overdue interlibrary loan items and this does not include any overdue/replacement fees imposed by the lending library. An individual will also lose ILL service if there is a consistent failure to return ILL material in a timely manner.


Copyright Restrictions


  1. The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.
  2. Under the certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.
  3. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of the copyright law.


Interlibrary Loan Office Hours

Monday - Thursday


10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Although the above listed hours are our official office hours, a Public Services staff member should be on hand to answer any ILL questions during regular business hours, Monday through Thursday. Books and other returnable materials may be picked up at the Library Information Desk any time during regular library hours.


Request an Interlibrary Loan

Book Request Form for a book, a/v (media) item, or miscellaneous loan.
Article Request Form for a photocopy of an article, chapter of a book, ERIC Document, etc.
